Saturday, December 12, 2009

Fishing - Year 5

All we knew about today was that we needed to bring our fishing rods and wear our walking shoes.

We started by walking from Henley into John Bull Gully, where we had lunch.

After lunch we did some fishing.
Most of us kept losing our bait and Chris had to keep putting new stuff on our hooks.

It was really windy, so windy that the wind would swirl around the river and it looked like mist, and then it would dump the water on us and we would think that it was raining.

Some of us caught crabs and some caught weed but no-one caught a fish.

When we were finished fishing we had to walk back to the cars.
After horse riding we went to Aramoana and had lunch. Then we went for a walk down the 'mole'. We tried to guess how long it was and we reckoned it was over 1km. We saw some seal at the end.

Next we went to the sand hills. It was really windy and we had to hold on to our boards. The climb to the top of the hill was really hard. Some of us went up in the grass beside the hill and that was easier. When we were at the top we got ready to zoom down.

Our body boards went really fast. We got sand in our faces and our eyes but it was fun. Some people had about 5 goes which means they had to walk up the sand hill five times.

Brenna came down on her stomach and she went real far.

Some of the girls found a cave and they had a rest in there.

There was a dead fish near where we were sitting. Yuck!

If you fell off your board and it zoomed away down the hill, then you had to walk way down to get it.

It was real fun.

Year 5 Outdoor Ed - Day 1

Monday was a fun day for the Year 5s. For a starter, it was the first day of our outdoor education and everyone was enthusiastic to know and see what we were going to do. Unfortunately Mrs T got a puncture on the way to our first activity so we had to wait a wee bit longer.

HORSE RIDING! Brenna was alergic to horses so she had to walk some of the way, but she got to ride some of the way. Our horses were really lovely - Samara rode Barney and he was a big tall horse. Natasha was on Trolls and he was very gentle.

First we had to have a helmet fitted and then we were allowed
to get on our horse. It was a bit scary at first but after a while it was OK.

We went way up some big hills - when you go up hill you have to lean forward and when you go downhill you have to lean back. Mrs T and Chris (Natasha's dad) had to walk!

We could see Port Chalmers from
the top of the walk. It was really cool.

From Samara & Natasha

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Look at this great looking bunch of kids - they are our Activ8 team who went down to KVC to do a whole lot of fun but hard activities. First we did a cross the river challenge, then a fill the bucket challenge. We had to fill the bucket but it had holes in it.

Our favourite activity was the spider web. You had to get your whole team through the web without touching the elastic, and once you used a hole, no one else could use it. Our team got 8/8 in that.

Next was the physical challenge and we all thought, "Oh no!" But it was no too bad. First you had to go under, over, under, over the hurdles then run to the monkey bars. It was so slippery that we all fell off. Then came the beams, but we did them easily. Then came the pyramid. We had to climb over it and it was high. Next was the climbing wall and then the pole. Then came a double bar thing that you had to go across without touching the ground.

The puzzle challenge was next and it was fun. You had to do lots of stuff and earn a puzzle piece but our instructor gave us the wrong piece. We finished it in 9 minutes.

Last of all we did a quiz but we did not do very well. On the way back to school, Travis' mum taught us how to say 'thank you' in South African. It is like 'by-a-donkey.'

We all had a cool day.

by Stacie and Sydney


On Thursday a First Aid lady called Melanie, came to show us some first aid skills. She showed us how to preform CRP. We had to use dummies. First you have to see if they are conscious and the best way to do that is to tap them on the shoulder. Check if there is anything in their mouth and then find the special spot on the chest where you have to put your hands. Keep you arms straight and push down 30 times. After that you tilt their head back, block their nose and blow two big blows into their mouth.

We also learnt how to stop bleeding by bandaging a person's arm or leg.

The last thing we learnt was how to put someone in the recovery position.

She gave us some bandages and some gloves to use if we ever need to do first aid on anyone.

by Travis & Shahil

Friday, October 30, 2009


Cluck Cluck Cluck! and the wait is over.

We have now decided on our new Class member's name...... Fergie! Fergie is a hen! Our class voted on what we would call her and Fergie won.
She is named after a singer in the Black Eyed Peas.
Along with Fergie came 4 other hens.

Room 4 has decided on Coco for their hen's name and room 6 decided on Snowy.
Sydney,Samara & Travis got the duty of caring for the hens, feeding the hens and collecting the eggs. They had to put hay in their nesting box and food in their feeder.

Today we had a little bit of a mischief hen who THOUGHT it would be funny to run away
but guess what, IT WASNT !
Sydney & Samara are worried that the hen won't be caught again.

Friday, October 23, 2009

4 - 3 - 2

Look! Now this little house has a cage round it. Mr Graham and some men came and put the cage there last week.

We wonder if we're getting some rabbits? Or maybe a lamb?

Keep reading our blog to find out.

Friday, September 18, 2009

7 - 6 - 5 -- Countdown

Briarna has found a new friend.

A lady called Kay came and showed us some of her hens.  

She wrapped them up in a towel to keep them quiet and to stop them from pooping on us.  Then she let us hold them.

Sometimes the hen got out of the towel but it didn't run away.

Kay also had a bantum hen with some chickens.  They were really soft and cute.  The mother hen didn't like it when the chicks were taken away from her.

We learned heaps about hens - what they eat, that different hens lay different sized and coloured eggs, and how to look after them.

We can't wait until we get our hens.   

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

10, 9, 8,

What is happening here?  These men are busy building something - I wonder what it is?

Maybe it's a kennel for a dog?

Maybe it's shelter for a goat?

Maybe we'll just have to wait and see.

Friday, September 11, 2009

The Gardener

A man called the Gardener came to tell us some stories today.  

He started with the story of the Selfish Giant.  It was about a giant who wouldn't let children play in his garden and it was winter all the time.  One day some children were climbing the trees and it was spring time except in one tree wasn't spring, it was still winter.  The reason it was still winter was because a wee boy couldn't climb up the tree.  When the giant came out all the children ran away but the little boy didn't because he was crying so much that he didn't see the giant.  The giant picked him up and put him in the tree and                                                                                    then the spring came back again.

Then he told the Paper Bag Princess story and some kids were chosen to help him.

Jacob had to wear a microphone and help the gardener read another story - it was about cows that used typewriters and they wanted electric blankets because they were cold in winter.  The farmer wouldn't give th
em any electric blankets so they didn't give him any milk.  It was a funny story.

Some of the kids in our class had to dress up and help tell the Cinderella story.  The boys had to dress up as the ugly sisters and Shahil was Cinderella.  It was a bit naughty because it was the Roald Dahl Revolting Rhyme but it was very, very funny. 

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Bradford's Unexpected Visitor

Thursday Bradford had a dog come on to the school grounds.  Nobody had any idea where the dog came from or what to do with it.  Before the teachers caught the dog, he was being chased by kids, trying his hardest not to get caught.  The teachers were worried that he might bite one of the kids so they rang the fire bell and everybody had to go back to class - boo-hoo, we missed out on some of our lunch time.

Mr Hamilton caught the dog and tied it up at the tennis court.  While it was there it was trying to get away by pulling on the rope and it was yelping too.  A lady came, she was a ranger.  She put a leash on the dog and she took it away.

The ranger said that she would
 check to see if it had a micro-chip in it.  We went with her down to her van to watch her. And it did.  The ranger said she would find out who the dog belonged to and take it back.  She also said she was going to tell the owners not to let it wander away again.

When she left, we got to have the rest of our play time - horray.

By Samara and Brenna

Friday, August 7, 2009

PJ DAY !!!!!

Friday 7th August 2009 we { Bradford School} had a PJ day to help raise money for the Caleb Turner trust programme. We are raising the money because Caleb needs to go to Mexico for stem cell treatment and yet he's only two. Everyone had to bring along a gold coin to help raise money - I hope we made heaps.

We were sooooooooo tired {yawn}. Mrs Tobin even got a picture of us sleeping{how embarrassing}.

We saw people wandering around the school in all kinds of PJs. Some were stripes, some were animals and other cool designs. So far we've been wearing our PJ's all day long, even at buddy reading. Here are some photo's.

Mrs Tobin got so hot in her PJ's that she had to change back into her clothes.

(I wish these girls were this quiet
all the time!)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


I have decided this week to write the blog myself, on behalf of a small group of children who made me so very proud on Tuesday night.

Tuesday is the day that we play netball at the Edgar Centre against a variety of other schools around the Dunedin area. When we played this week, we had only 5 players for the first quarter and 6 for the remainder of the game.

The children who played just left me speechless – they gave it their all and being one player down for the majority of the game meant that they really had to put in their best effort.

Despite an extremely competitive opposition, we came away losing 11 – 14. An amazing effort from some very weary souls.

Thank you to:

GK - Briarna who managed to make so many intercepts as the opposition tried to get the ball into the goal circle

GD - Abbie – one of the youngest players in the team, Abbie was able to free herself from her very tall opponent to receive the ball

C - Natasha who constantly ran from one end of the court to the other and also help cover the opposition's 'free' player

WA - Samara as always, a lovely mover around the court, able to anticipate where play is going and gets herself there to receive the ball

GA - Jacob – a talented player who was literally everywhere, intercepting passes and shooting some much needed goals

GS - Storm who played a great game and was able to help feed the ball into the circle and even have the confidence to take a shot or two

Who has the courage? Who has the skill?

Who has the strategy, the form, the will?

Who will play fair with discipline and speed?

Who has the strength of real team work?

We have the courage, we have the skill

We have the strategy, the form, the will.

We will play fair with discipline and speed.

We have the strength of real team work.

We’re Bradford. We’re the best. We pull together as one.

We got – team spirit. WATCH OUT!

Here we come. –

Invincible, strong, together as one

We rise! We rise!

Ko matou te tima. E tu kaha! Awhina mai. E tu, tu kaha!

Kia rite, kia rite, rere mai!

Kia oho, kia ma taara.

Timata! Hi!

Hold your heads high guys, because you are what our song stands for.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Our Thoughts of Term 2

Term 2 was the best. We were very busy with so many visitors. We had Sleeping Beauty, Kat Anna Fiddle, and also Stars on Stage. We also had the ten sec club where we have to say our times tables in 10 seconds.  But the best part was Mrs Tobin coming back. We also visited KVC and had a fun afternoon doing science experiments, baking, making wind twirlers and doing PE.  
Cody Smith

In term 2 we were learning about entertainment. It was cool because we had lots of perfomers and plays come.  My favourite was Once Upon a Pie.  That was cool because it was about a baker and his daughter who had been taken by a witch and he has to find 4 things to get his daughter back from the witch. But thats not all; we did lots more stuff like Stars on Stage, and swimming and lots more.

Tama Masina

I liked Term 2 because we got to do Stars on Stage and two plays came to our school.  One was 'Kat Anna Fiddle' and the other was 'Once Upon a Pie'.  The top field had been getting a bit wet so some trucks and diggers have been up there putting in a drainage system.

David Pask

Term 2 was really fun.  Some of the things we did were start up our scramble club in Room 5.  We also performed in Stars on Stage a few weeks ago.  I thought it was extraordinary.  Another thing that we did in Term 2 was that Mr Hamilton picked some people to be PALs (physical activity leaders) who were Sydney, Jacob, Shaniia and me.  We even started up our own word worm - if we find a word we don't understand and we think it would be a good word to use in our writing, then we get to put it on the word worm.

Samara Mackie

Our pick-a-path stories were really cool after they were published on powerpoint.  We showed some of them in assembly.  I helped by teaching the others to hyperlink which makes the powerpoint go to another slide.

Aaron Rumpler

In Term 2 Briarna, Brenna and I moved up into Room 5. It's wonderful here and Mrs Tobin is a great teacher.  The council is very good and is going to hold a disco.  I think Term 2 is the best term of my life.  I don't ever want to leave Room 5 because 1) Mrs Tobin and 2) everyone is so nice.

Natasha Humphrey

This term has been a very exciting term. We have had Stars on Stage and lots of performers came.  First we had Kim - he's a man who travels around schools with plays.  This time he came with the play Sleeping Beauty.  The next performer was Kat Ann Fiddle and she told us stories.  Kat told the story and Anna played the fiddle and sang.

Sydney Mowat

In Term 2 we have had two plays come and help us with our inquiry topic - Let Me Entertain You.  One play was called Once Upon a Pie and the other was called Kat Anna Fiddle.  Also, at the start of the term, Gill picked some new librarians.  They had to fill out an application form.  When Gill picked some people they had to get trained on how to use the computer.  Our library is really cool because on the side of it we have a big bright painting of our native birds.  Inside our library there are lots of books for us to read.

Mikayla Te Whaiti

Have a wonderful, safe holiday kids and I'll see you all back at school on 20th July.  Mrs T

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Stars on Stage

Stars on Stage is finally here.
Rooms 4, 5, & 6 are so excited and some of us are very nervous.

Today we had a rehearsal at the Regent Theatre.  We all went down there on the bus and we only had 30 minutes to practice our dance on the stage.  There were lights shining in our eyes and we could hardly see the seats.
We have four different groups - Earth, Air, Fire and Water.  We all have been practicing hard and poor Miss Twitchin has had nightmares about things going wrong.
Water wear skirts and a blue top; Fire wear a mask and have red a
nd orange bits hanging off their arms; Air girls 
have a white dress and the boys have a cape; and Earth wore wraps with leaves.

The story is about the elements and how the usually get on together, but sometimes they fight.

We can't wait until tonight when the show is really on.

Sydney & Natasha

Monday, June 22, 2009

Bradford's Got Talent

As part of our unit on Celebrations, we held a Bradford's Got Talent afternoon.  Everyone was allowed to try out for the show but the classes were only allowed to choose three acts to show to the whole school.

We had heaps of people 'try out' in our class and Miss Robertson & Mrs Tobin said it was a really hard decision to pick the best three.

On the day, we all went to Room 1 and the children from Mrs O'Donnell's class went first.
They had a group of children sing a song from the Jolly Phonics programme and these three boys had some great moves to a song.

The other classes all had their turn - some girls from Room 4 did a hula hoop dance; Room 6 had some boys who played a series of sounds on the electric keyboard; and ... then it was our turn.  

We had magic tricks, singing and a balancing act.  Fabian can do hand-stands for a very long time.  He walks around on his hands to help himself balance.  Mrs Tobin told him to tuck his shirt in before he started but, as you can see, he didn't.  Fabian was amazing; he must practice a lot to be able to stand on his hands for so long.

Breana has a lovely voice and we were lucky to hear it as she nearly got stage fright.  Mr
 Hamilton played the guitar while she sang.  It was the first time she has sung in front of people, we hope that she is brave enough to do it again one day.

It was a fun afternoon and it was cool to see what talented kids we have at Bradford.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Our New Playground

Our playground has finally made some progress but none of the fun parts have gone up yet.  We hope it can be finished by the end of the year so we can all play on it.

Our PTA has been very busy raising money to get the playground finished.

We have had some new pipes installed to help drain the water away.  There were some men who came with a truck and a digger and they dug a long stretched hole.  They put a big pipe in first and filled it with gravel and then covered it back up again.

We're not allowed around the playground area at the moment but when it is finished the whole school will be up there.

By Jayden Kirby

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Because we are an Active School, we like to keep busy in the playtimes and lunchtimes. We have a great sports shed and we are allowed to take gear out and play with it - as long as we put it back. Some days, some of the senior children run games and stuff like that for the rest of us.

The PALs (Physical Activity Leaders) were having a great time on Friday doing Jump Jam in Room One. The pals are Jacob, Samara, Sydney and Shaniia. They did a great job entertaining people. Everyone had smiles on their faces. There were lots of students in there dancing and having fun. Some children even gave the pals hugs. Hope you enjoy these photos
