Saturday, December 12, 2009
Fishing - Year 5
Year 5 Outdoor Ed - Day 1
Monday was a fun day for the Year 5s. For a starter, it was the first day of our outdoor education and everyone was enthusiastic to know and see what we were going to do. Unfortunately Mrs T got a puncture on the way to our first activity so we had to wait a wee bit longer.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Look at this great looking bunch of kids - they are our Activ8 team who went down to KVC to do a whole lot of fun but hard activities. First we did a cross the river challenge, then a fill the bucket challenge. We had to fill the bucket but it had holes in it.
On Thursday a First Aid lady called Melanie, came to show us some first aid skills. She showed us how to preform CRP. We had to use dummies. First you have to see if they are conscious and the best way to do that is to tap them on the shoulder. Check if there is anything in their mouth and then find the special spot on the chest where you have to put your hands. Keep you arms straight and push down 30 times. After that you tilt their head back, block their nose and blow two big blows into their mouth.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
4 - 3 - 2
Friday, September 18, 2009
7 - 6 - 5 -- Countdown
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
10, 9, 8,
Friday, September 11, 2009
The Gardener
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Bradford's Unexpected Visitor
Thursday Bradford had a dog come on to the school grounds. Nobody had any idea where the dog came from or what to do with it. Before the teachers caught the dog, he was being chased by kids, trying his hardest not to get caught. The teachers were worried that he might bite one of the kids so they rang the fire bell and everybody had to go back to class - boo-hoo, we missed out on some of our lunch time.
Friday, August 7, 2009
PJ DAY !!!!!

Friday 7th August 2009 we { Bradford School} had a PJ day to help raise money for the Caleb Turner trust programme. We are raising the money because Caleb needs to go to Mexico for stem cell treatment and yet he's only two. Everyone had to bring along a gold coin to help raise money - I hope we made heaps.
We were sooooooooo tired {yawn}. Mrs Tobin even got a picture of us sleeping{how e

We saw people wandering around the school in all kinds of PJs. Some were stripes, some were animals and other cool designs. So far we've been wearing our PJ's all day long, even a

Mrs Tobin got so hot in her PJ's that she had to change back into her clothes.

(I wish these girls were this quiet
all the time!)
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
I have decided this week to write the blog myself, on behalf of a small group of children who made me so very proud on Tuesday night.
Tuesday is the day that we play netball at the Edgar Centre against a variety of other schools around the Dunedin area. When we played this week, we had only 5 players for the first quarter and 6 for the remainder of the game.
The children who played just left me speechless – they gave it their all and being one player down for the majority of the game meant that they really had to put in their best effort.
Despite an extremely competitive opposition, we came away losing 11 – 14. An amazing effort from some very weary souls.
Thank you to:
GK - Briarna who managed to make so many intercepts as the opposition tried to get the ball into the goal circle
GD - Abbie – one of the youngest players in the team, Abbie was able to free herself from her very tall opponent to receive the ball
C - Natasha who constantly ran from one end of the court to the other and also help cover the opposition's 'free' player
WA - Samara as always, a lovely mover around the court, able to anticipate where play is going and gets herself there to receive the ball
GA - Jacob – a talented player who was literally everywhere, intercepting passes and shooting some much needed goals
GS - Storm who played a great game and was able to help feed the ball into the circle and even have the confidence to take a shot or two
Who has the courage? Who has the skill?
Who has the strategy, the form, the will?
Who will play fair with discipline and speed?
Who has the strength of real team work?
We have the courage, we have the skill
We have the strategy, the form, the will.
We will play fair with discipline and speed.
We have the strength of real team work.
We’re Bradford. We’re the best. We pull together as one.
We got – team spirit. WATCH OUT!
Here we come. –
Invincible, strong, together as one
We rise! We rise!
Ko matou te tima. E tu kaha! Awhina mai. E tu, tu kaha!
Kia rite, kia rite, rere mai!
Kia oho, kia ma taara.
Timata! Hi!
Hold your heads high guys, because you are what our song stands for.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Our Thoughts of Term 2
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Stars on Stage
Monday, June 22, 2009
Bradford's Got Talent
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Our New Playground
Our playground has finally made some progress but none of the fun parts have gone up yet. We hope it can be finished by the end of the year so we can all play on it.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
The PALs (Physical Activity Leaders) were having a great time on Friday doing Jump Jam in Room One. The pals are Jacob, Samara, Sydney and Shaniia. They did a great job entertaining people. Everyone had smiles on their faces. There were lots of students in there dancing and having fun. Some children even gave the pals hugs. Hope you enjoy these photos
