We're not supposed to use the words 'tip' or 'dump' any more as today's places are a lot more environmentally friendly.
Most of us hadn't been to the Green Island landfill before and we were amazed at what could be reclycled and reused from our everyday rubbish. There were places to put cardboard, glass, tin cans and aluminium cans, all of which can be recycled. Then there was a huge area to put stuff that you didn't want anymore, like chairs, books, toys, old bikes etc, but was too good to throw away. People could come and buy all sorts of bits and pieces. Connor said that when he and his dad went to the landfill, they would come home with more stuff than they had taken!
The bus took us right up to the tip face where all the big machines were working and the trucks were dumping the rubbish. There was a huge machine that compacted all the rubbish and then they
We expected the landfill to be really smelly but it wasn't at all. They had pipes that took a special fragrance out to the edges of the pit and a fine mist was sprayed into the air.
Darian wanted to go to the sludge pit so Jenny, our guide, took us there and BOY! DID IT STINK!!! They cover the pit each day with coffee bean husks and this helps keep the smell down (a bit). We couldn't wait to get back on the bus & get out of there.
We were all quite impressed with the Green Island landfill.
I have never been to the landfill, so thanks for 'filling' me in :).
Can people go there and re-use the things that people throw away?
To my loverlie Room 5-ers! Great to see your blog is up and running like a well oiled machine!
We enjoyed going to the 'tip' too. My favourite part was that wee building that pumped out the nice smells to the houses that might be getting a bit of 'whiffiness' from the landfill!
See you at school!
Miss Little
I knew Darian would be in that sludge pit given half the chance!!
why did you go to the tip
wonder why it must of smelt did it?
did you feel like you were helping the environment?
This is from Mikayla and Nikita
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