We decided we'd collect all our scrap food in a 'Bokashi Day Bucket'. You can put just about any food you like in a bokashi as long as there is no liquid like orange juice or left over coffee etc. It also won't compost bones.
Each afternoon our Bokashi Boys sprinkle some magic zing into the bokashi bucket.
They cut up the food so that it is in smaller pieces and add that to the bucket.
Then they use their hands to push the food down - this takes the air out.
Pop the lid back on tightly and wait until the next day's food is added.
When the bucket is full, you keep the lid on for two weeks and then your compost should be ready. We will leave ours over the holidays and see what happens.
Well done Mrs T good thinking of bakashi
From Amy
I have never heard of a bokashi before! Do you put the compost straight into the garden after a while? I wonder if it stinks after the holidays :-)
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