On Monday's we do buddy reading with the children in Mrs O'Donnell's and Miss Little's class. First we listen to our buddy read their story. Then we choose a picture book from the box and we read to our buddy.
We are learning how to make the reading interesting by asking our buddy some questions either about t

We like buddy reading because it makes us feel important when we read to the little kids.
On Wednesday we participated in World Maths Day. Lots of children from lots of countries used the internet to answer maths questions. First we had to create our character by choosing a hair type, what shape and colour eyes we wanted, what clothes we wanted to wear, etc.
When you signed in, you competed against people from all over the world. We had to answer as many questions as we could in one minute. There was a b

Most of us were really good. We had an hour each to see how many questions we could answer. The World Maths Day was trying to get 5 000 000 answers. We don't know if they made it but we helped.
It was fun and it was good for our maths.
Hi Room 5,
great to see what you are up to! The maths day on the lappies looked great - did you get to talk to the people you were playing??
Keep up the great blogging!
Miss Little
Hello Room 5. I was loking at your page and thinking how lucky Room 2 is to be able to have such wonderful children as buddies. The 5 year olds look forward to coming every week. You are doing a great job. Thanks. From Mrs O'Donnell
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