On Wednesday Kat and Anna came to our school to perform for us. Firstly they performed a chant and introduction. Secondly Anna played an instrument called a mandolin. She had with her blue dog puppet that was attached to her instrument with strings. Thirdly Kat told us a story about seven fish. The story was from NZ and about Matariki. In the end the fish turned into stars. After that Kat told us another story about stone soup. When a lady had no money and she found a rich man's house. She tricked him into giving her food. Afterwards Kat told us another story about a family of Riley's. Bridget Riley caught a leprechaun with a pot of gold and she wanted it! Jordan and Natasha H helped with that story. Kat performed another story about a mosquito and sand fly, that wanted to rule the earth. Lastly Stacie thanked them for coming. My favourite part was the Stone Soup story, it was cool. Recount by Zayleah.