Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Doctor Margaret Visits

Last week we had a visit from Dr Margaret. She was talking to the children in Rooms 5 and 6 about the organs in our body.

She brought along some plastic organs and we were able to hold hearts, lungs, a stomach, a liver and a small intestine.

She also brought her friend - the skeleton! He had a few bones missing but we thought he was awesome.

Dr Margaret explained how we can take care of our insides - wear protective clothing when we're riding bikes, exercise and not get too fat, eat lots of fruits and vegetables, drink lots of water and not to eat too many salty foods.

Dr Margaret is teaching Jasmine how to check her reflexes and now David is having a go. Don't sit too close or you might get kicked in the face!

Dr Margaret let us use a stethoscope to hear our heart beat. We worked with a buddy and we checked our buddy's heart rate. Our heart goes lub-dub, lub-dub. Our ear canals face forwards so we had to put the ear plugs in a special way or we wouldn't hear our heart so well.

We were able to check our pulse with a little clip thing that went on to our finger. A digital read-out told us what our pulse was. Some of us went for a run and checked our pulse again - it was way faster!

Nicole and Khali have found a new friend.

Here are Sydney and Brin checking their pulse. Brin's pulse at rest was 82 and after he had run around it was 106.

Thank you Dr Margaret for coming to visit us and thank you for answering all our questions.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Cross Country

This term we have been practising for our cross country. We run around the boundary of the whole school - twice. We think the hardest part is going up the hill beside the trees on the top field. Each time we ran Mrs Tobin timed us and we had to see if we could beat our time. We trained every day.

Now is the time for the BIG RACE. We have practised heaps and we are all nervous as we go to Balmacewen Intermediate. Lots of other schools are there. The day was really, really windy and it was really hard running into the wind. We all tried our very best and the rest of the school cheered us on.

Jacob and Camble came 7th and 8th in their race and everybody else did fantastic. We felt really puffed and proud at the finish. Here are some photos of us running to the finish line.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Busy Room 5

On Monday's we do buddy reading with the children in Mrs O'Donnell's and Miss Little's class. First we listen to our buddy read their story. Then we choose a picture book from the box and we read to our buddy.

We are learning how to make the reading interesting by asking our buddy some questions either about the story or about the pictures. Asking questions is sometimes hard because it is hard to think of a question.

We like buddy reading because it makes us feel important when we read to the little kids.

On Wednesday we participated in World Maths Day. Lots of children from lots of countries used the internet to answer maths questions. First we had to create our character by choosing a hair type, what shape and colour eyes we wanted, what clothes we wanted to wear, etc.

When you signed in, you competed against people from all over the world. We had to answer as many questions as we could in one minute. There was a bar on the screen that moved across if you got the questions right and you could see if you were beating the other people.

Most of us were really good. We had an hour each to see how many questions we could answer. The World Maths Day was trying to get 5 000 000 answers. We don't know if they made it but we helped.

It was fun and it was good for our maths.