Friday, September 18, 2009

7 - 6 - 5 -- Countdown

Briarna has found a new friend.

A lady called Kay came and showed us some of her hens.  

She wrapped them up in a towel to keep them quiet and to stop them from pooping on us.  Then she let us hold them.

Sometimes the hen got out of the towel but it didn't run away.

Kay also had a bantum hen with some chickens.  They were really soft and cute.  The mother hen didn't like it when the chicks were taken away from her.

We learned heaps about hens - what they eat, that different hens lay different sized and coloured eggs, and how to look after them.

We can't wait until we get our hens.   

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

10, 9, 8,

What is happening here?  These men are busy building something - I wonder what it is?

Maybe it's a kennel for a dog?

Maybe it's shelter for a goat?

Maybe we'll just have to wait and see.

Friday, September 11, 2009

The Gardener

A man called the Gardener came to tell us some stories today.  

He started with the story of the Selfish Giant.  It was about a giant who wouldn't let children play in his garden and it was winter all the time.  One day some children were climbing the trees and it was spring time except in one tree wasn't spring, it was still winter.  The reason it was still winter was because a wee boy couldn't climb up the tree.  When the giant came out all the children ran away but the little boy didn't because he was crying so much that he didn't see the giant.  The giant picked him up and put him in the tree and                                                                                    then the spring came back again.

Then he told the Paper Bag Princess story and some kids were chosen to help him.

Jacob had to wear a microphone and help the gardener read another story - it was about cows that used typewriters and they wanted electric blankets because they were cold in winter.  The farmer wouldn't give th
em any electric blankets so they didn't give him any milk.  It was a funny story.

Some of the kids in our class had to dress up and help tell the Cinderella story.  The boys had to dress up as the ugly sisters and Shahil was Cinderella.  It was a bit naughty because it was the Roald Dahl Revolting Rhyme but it was very, very funny.