Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Butterfly Haven Visit

Last week Rooms 5 and 6 visited the Otago museum as part of our inquiry study - A Bug's Life.  

The butterfly haven was really cool - actually, cool isn't the right word because it was really hot in there.  Some of us had to pop out and cool down.  
The butterflies were amazing.  I didn't know that there were so many different sorts.  At first I found it quite scary when they landed on me but I got used to it.  When they landed on my finger I could feel their scratchy legs grip as they tried not to fall off.  Some people had more than one on them.  Shaniia seemed very popular.  

A lot of the butterflies had damaged wings and there were quite a few lying 
dead.  They don't live for very long.  Most of the plants in the butterfly haven have been planted especially as food for the different butterflies.  Each type of butterfly prefers a special plant.

Did you know that there are turtles in the butterfly haven as well?  They are very cute but if a butterfly flies too closed the turtle will sometimes snap it in it's jaws.

As well as looking at the butterflies, we also learnt about them in the 'classroom'.  One of our class dressed up and pretended they were turning from a chrysalis into a butterfly.  It was fun when we had to try and drink through a straw using lenses that made it similar to what a butterfly would see.  I'm glad I'm not a butterfly,
 it was really confusing.  We learnt about the life cycle and what butterflies like to eat.  It was a good day.  I might go back one day.

PS playing in Discovery World was fun too.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Welcome 2009

Look at us - aren't we just the best!

This is a picture of all the kids in Room 5 this year and we think we're the best looking bunch yet.

There are 22 Year 5 & 6's and we have two teachers this term.  Mrs Tobin is our usual teacher but while Ms Dillon is on maternity leave, Mrs T is the principal so she can't be with us all the time.  Our other teacher is Miss Robertson and she is cool.

We'll be doing heaps of fun things this year - being the senior class we have duties to do and that is fun - you have to be responsible though.

Our first inquiry topic this year is "A Bug's Life" and we're looking forward to finding out all about bugs and creepy-crawlies.